Questionnaire for Staff and Carers


1. Questionnaire for Staff and Carers
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This questionnaire has been designed to gather information about working with young people in care and/or care leavers. It is important that we know aim to listen to the voices of staff and carers in improving the experiences. Your thoughts and experiences can really help services and other practitioners understand and provide a better service for young people in care and young care leavers today. There are two sections to this questionnaire comprising of just over 20 questions. Take as little or as long as you like to answer the questions. I have given lots of space to all you want to say but don't feel obliged to write lots unless you want to. Only answer the questions you feel comfortable answering. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the research -

1. Name (You do not have to fill in this section. Your name will only to be seen by Zachari Duncalf and it is to make sure that the questionnaire isn't completed more than once by the same person)


2. Email address


3. Age


4. Gender


5. How would you best describe your ethnicity?


6. Sexuality


7. Would you identify yourself as having a disability?


8. If yes, how would you describe your disability?


9. What town or region do you currently work in?