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Branding and Consumer Behavior

The following survey is designed in order to assist me with my dissertation, which aims to evaluate the use of an organisations branding techniques and how consumer behavior effects their decisions. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take your time to complete it and take consideration when answering the following questions. Just in case any of you are unfamiliar with the term 'branding' here is an explanation:
"The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme".
Thank you! 

1. Virgin Atlantic
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This first section is going to focus on the importance of branding for Virgin Atlantic.

1. Please rank the importance of each of the advertising techniques used by Virgin Atlantic in accordance to what you feel is the most effective for the airline by using the rating scale given. *

Most EffectiveEffectiveNeutralIneffectiveMost Ineffective
Television Advertisements
Brand Slogan
Brand Logo
Newspaper Advertisements
Radio Advertisements
Livery (uniform)
Brand Representative (Richard Branson)
Social Media
Online Advertising
Mobile Advertising

2. Which factor do you think is the most recognisable/well known when referring to Virgin Atlantic? *

Most Recognisable Recognisable Neither Unrecognisable Most Unrecognisable
Their Color (red)
Quality of the Product
TV advertisements
Brand Owner (Richard Branson)
Brand Logo
Brand Slogan

3. 'The general crux of the complaints from viewers was that the adverts by Virgin Atlantic were offensive because they were sexist and presented a stereotypical view of gender roles.' How far would you agree with this statement about Virgin Atlantic’s TV adverts? *


4. Although Virgin Atlantic’s TV adverts have been criticised, it is suggested that they are always remembered by the general public in spite of this. It is also said that an ‘advert remembered is an advert that works’. How far would you agree to this statement with regards to Virgin Atlantic? *


5. With regards to Virgin Atlantic’s advertising techniques, do you agree that they are effective? *


6. Based ONLY on their marketing techniques who do you believe to be the main target market for Virgin Atlantic? In other words who are they trying to attract? *


7. Do you agree that Virgin Atlantic is one of the leading brands in the airline industry? *

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