Teachers and classroom behaviours.


1. Information sheet
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1. Dear participant,

My name is Rachel Campbell. I am an undergraduate psychology student at Keele University. I am carrying out a study under the supervision of Dr. Yvonne Skipper, to investigate how teachers respond to different behaviours in the classroom

If you choose to participate in the study you will be asked to complete a questionnaire which will ask questions about you, such as how long you have been teaching. It will also give you some examples of behaviour in the classroom and ask how you would respond to it.

In order to ensure that any information you provide remains anonymous you will be asked to create an identifying code. Then if you wish to withdraw your data you can contact me giving this code and your data will be removed. You are free to withdraw at any point and you will not be questioned as to why. You may also stop participating at any time.

Only myself and my supervisor will have access to your data, but again you will not be identifiable to your data as you are not asked any personal information. A report will be written on the results which I have found. Only general trends will be reported and no individuals will be identifiable.

Should you wish to contact me with any questions you may contact me at w0k29@students.keele.ac.uk.

Please check the box below to say that you have read this form and agree to participate in the research.

• I have received an information sheet explaining the purpose of the study

• I know that I have had the opportunity to ask further questions.

• I agree to participate in the above research.

• I understand that my privacy and confidentiality will be respected at all times.

• I understand that I may withdraw from the study at any point.