Which psychologist have you seen? *


For each item, please tick the box that best describes what you think or feel about the service.

Certainly TruePartly TrueNot TrueDon't Know
I feel that the people who have seen my child listened to me
It was easy to talk to the people who have seen my child
I was treated well by the people who have seen my child
My views and worries were taken seriously
I feel the people here know how to help with the problem I came for
I have been given enough explanation about the help available here
I feel that the people who have seen my child are working together to help with the problem (s)
The facilities here are comfortable (e.g. waiting area)
The appointments are usually at a convenient time (e.g. don't interfere with work, school)
It is quite easy to get to the place where the appointments are
If a friend needed similar help, I would recommend that he or she come here
Overall, the help I have received here is good

What was really good about your care?


Was there anything you didn't like or anything that needs improving?


Is there anything else you want to tell us about the service you received?


Child's age:


Child's gender:


Childs ethnicity:


Is your child registered disabled (e.g. hearing impaired)?