Climate Change Impacts on Social Care - Call for Evidence

On behalf of CXC, Aether, Glasgow Caledonian University and Durham University are undertaking a literature review on the direct and indirect effects of climate change on the social care sector in Scotland and means of adapting to these effects. We would be grateful if you could respond to this call for evidence, and also circulate it to others who may be able to assist.

1. Your details. (We will not share these with anyone except CXC project co-ordinators)


2. Project / research title


3. Time period covered by the work (e.g. historic events / planned future events)


4. Authors / researchers


5. Please add the geographical coverage of your research.


6. Study focus: location type


7. Study focus: climate change impact


8. Study focus: type


9. Study focus: theme covered


10. Add attachment & description of attachment (please confirm when file is attached in the below comments box)


11. Link to publication


12. Any other comments. Highlight future updates/confidentiality etc.