Housing Considerations

Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum
Potential Development Sites
As part of the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, we have to assess the suitability of potential development sites against a number of planning criteria, depending on the type of development proposed. 
We’d like to know what local residents think is important in carrying out those assessments.  Please therefore read through the accompanying List of Considerations, then rank them in the order you think most important – they are deliberately set out randomly. 
Please also add separately in the box provided any other considerations you think we should look at in assessing a site’s suitability.
There is one deliberate omission – whether a proposal would result in the loss of an important open space.  This is because we will also be considering a large number of open sites for designation as Local Green Space, arising from the answers to questions in the survey carried out last year.  That process is under way and is subject to particular criteria set out by the government.  There will be another opportunity to comment on the sites proposed when the draft Plan is published – fingers crossed – later this year.
 If you have any questions then please email us on charlburynp@gmail.com


1. Please rank these considerations for development plans in order of importance to you *


2. Please provide your postcode
We need to check you are a charlbury resident

Thank you for telling us your views on this
All be be taken in consideration when drawing up a matrix 
​The more people who respond the better it will represent all view so please ask your family and friends in Charlbury to join in