Consultation on Proposed Marine Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas January to May 2016


Welcome to the consultation on proposed marine SACs and SPAs around Wales

NRW Consultation Page  [opens a new page]

Using this online response form is the best way to respond to our consultation.

All the consultation documents are available on the consultation pages of the Natural Resources Wales website, and none of the information is repeated here. If you need to return to the consultation page, there is a link on each page of the survey.

There are three parts to the response form. Questions marked with * are mandatory.
PART A - Respondent Information
It is necessary to provide some information about yourself in order to submit a response.

PART B - General response section
You can use this section to register general support / objection to the proposals

PART C - Detailed or site specific response section
Use this section if you have specific comments and/or wish to comment on particular sites.

You can SAVE your response at any time using the button at the bottom of each page and return to it later using the link that will be emailed to you. If you want to go back to a previous page, please use the BACK button at the bottom of each page - do NOT use the back button on your web browser.

Once you have submitted your response, a further confirmation email will be sent with your unique response code - please retain this code as it will be required in any further correspondence.

Please note only one response is accepted from each IP address.

I am responding *


Do you or your organisation identify with any of the groups listed below?

Please note that in the interests of transparency and openness, all responses to this consultation, including the names of respondents, but not including contact information, will be made publicly available and may be published, including on the NRW and/or JNCC websites. 
We may also share any individual responses that we receive with other statutory nature conservation bodies, UK and devolved Governments (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Welsh Government, UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Scottish Government and the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland) in order to help ensure a coordinated approach to this consultation and to prepare reports to the Welsh Government and UK Government.
Any personal information you provide to us will be used and stored in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. We will use your information only for the purposes of this consultation, as described above. Please ensure you do not mention other individuals by name, or include personal information within the body of your response.

If you do not wish your name and your views on these SAC or SPA proposals to be made public, you are advised not to respond to this consultation.

Please confirm that you have read the above statement, and that you are willing for your name (and if applicable your organisation's name) and your response to be made public.
Please note that if you choose No - Quit the Survey and press NEXT, you will NOT be able to change your mind later and submit a response from this same IP address. So please only choose to Quit if you definitely don't want to submit a response. If you don't want to decide yet, simply close this browser window.