Help You Choose Student Evaluation 2017

We hope you have found the Help You Choose website useful  to find courses and to make online applications. Please complete the following survey to tell us about your experience of using the website.

1. Please provide the following information.


2. How would you rate the registration process on the Help You Choose website?


3. How "easy to use" did you find the following features on the website? Please click to select.

Very easyOkayNot easyDidn’t use
Finding your way around the site
Searching for Sixth Form and College courses
Searching for apprenticeships
Info and Advice area
Completing "My Account"

4. What did you like most about the Help You Choose website?


5. What improvements, if any, would you make to the Help You Choose website?


6. Would you recommend the Help You Choose website to a friend?


7. What would encourage to you use Help You Choose again?


8. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being Good and 1 being Poor, how would you rate the Help You Choose website? Please click to select a number below.
