CAMHS survey


1. How important are the following when trying to access services? On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important.

At the main place where the service is usually delivered
A choice of place (e.g. a community building, school, GP surgery, home)
Easy to get to by public transport
Where there is easy car parking

2. How important is the availability of the following?
On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important

Information/support/guidance about mental health issues available online
Information/support/guidance available by telephone
Information/support/guidance available in person
A range of opening times
A choice of appointment days

3. How important is having an appointment at the following times?
On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important.

During the day (9-5 pm)
At the weekend (Saturday)
Early evening (5-7pm)
After school/college (3:30-5 pm)

4. Where would you prefer to receive treatment?
On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important?

Clinic or hospital base
GP practice
Local community

5. Where do you think people should be able to access information when they are first worried about their mental health?
On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important.

Childrens' centres
GP practices
Faith groups
Community clubs/youth centre

6. How important do you think the following types of staff are to providing a good service?
On a scale of 1 not important and 5 seen as very important.

Specialist doctors
Care workers
Family support workers
Teams of mixed staff

7. Would you recommend Enfield CAMHS services to your family and friends?


8. What are the three most important things that helped you obtain mental health services in Enfield?


9. What are the three most important things to think about when someone moves from a children's service to a young adult service?


10. If there is £500k to invest in existing services or to expand services. What are your mental health priorities? Please rank 1 to 7 in the order of importance. Number 1 is your top priority.