Salford University Student Survey

NHS Salford CCG are responsible for planning and buying health services for people like you.  Please take five minutes to complete this short survey to help us understand the needs of Salford students.  Survey respondents will be entered into a prize draw for £50 of high street shopping vouchers.  The closing date for entries is Friday, 8th June 2017.

1. Please tell us the first part of your postcode *


2. How long have you been studying at Salford University?


3. Are you registered with a General Practioner (GP)/doctor in Salford?


4. If you aren't registered with a Salford GP, why is this?


5. If you chose, prefer not to from the list above, please tell us why.


6. Please tell us which GP/doctor you are currently registered with (including GP name and surgery if possible)


7. Before receiving this survey, how aware were you of the following services and choices?

Not awareKnow a little bit about itKnow a lot about it
GP out of hours services
Pharmacy/chemist advice/consultations
NHS 111
Minor ailment scheme (prescriptions available from the pharamacist)
Accident and Emergency
Mental Health Services for young people e.g. 42nd Street

8. How many times have you visited A & E as a patients since being at Salford University?


9. If you have visited A & E since being a student, please tell us the reason for your last visit.


10. NHS Salford CCG are responsible for providing information about health services and choices in Salford. To help shape our future campaign, we would like to understand what information students need most to help them keep well. Please choose your top three priorities from the list below.


11. Is there anything missing from the list above? If yes, please tell us what.


12. Lastly, we are looking for volunteers to take part in focus group to help us shape a new health campaign. All participants will receive a £10 Love to Shop Voucher. The Focus Group will take part in Salford on Tuesday, 20th June 2017 at 10:30am.


13. If you would like to enter our prize draw for £50 of Love to Shop Vouchers, please enter your details in the box below.


14. What is your gender? *


15. Is your gender the same as it was at birth? *


16. How old are you? *


17. What is your Sexual Orientation? *


18. Do you have a disability? *


19. What is your religion or belief? *


20. What is your ethnic group? *