Hackney Residents Spring Survey 2015

1. Please complete the following questions.


1. Please state the road that you live/work on? *


2. Please state your postcode. *


3. What is your ethnic group?
Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed
  • Black or Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group

4. Please state your gender. *


5. Please select the appropriate age group, for your age. *


6. Have you been a victim of crime in Hackney? *


7. If you have been a victim of crime, how satisfied are you with the service you recieved from Hackney Police? Please feel free to expand in box 12


8. What is your biggest concern in your community?
You can select more than one answer but please do not click on all answers *


9. Which one of the following do you consider to be important for the Police in Hackney? *


10. Do you support our use of intelligence led stop & search to remove knives and weapons from your streets?


11. Taking everything into account, how good a job do you think the police in this area are doing?


12. What can we do improve policing in Hackney?
Please do not report any crime on this form.