Twitter, Relationships, Empathy and Correlates


Page 1 - Participant Information Sheet and Informed Consent


Title of Research: Twitter© and Identity: Effect of Twitter© on identity, relationships, empathy and correlates.

Your informed consent is very important. Therefore, before you complete the survey, please use the link below to read the participants information sheet which provides you with detailed information regarding this research study and its purpose.

As a token of appreciation for your participation, you can request to receive a brief and confidential feedback (based on your answers) as to how your relationship profile may have changed during the period of the study (3 months), you can also receive a free social media guide for enhancing your personal and professional profile.

After having read the above "Participant Information Sheet" and if you wish to take part in this research please confirm the following:

Please participate in this research only if you agree and can confirm the following statements. Alternatively, if you do not wish to participate in this research please skip this page by pressing the "Next" button. 
  • I confirm that I have read and understand the participant information sheet, and have no questions at this time.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason.
  • I agree that my consent may be examined by a designated auditor.
  • I agree that my non-personal research data may be used by the researcher for future research. I am assured that the confidentiality of my personal data will be upheld through the removal of any identifiers.
  • I agree to take part in this study
Enter your email address, only if you agree with the above statements: