Children’s Centre Parental Satisfaction Survey 2017


1. About you and your family
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1. What is the Children’s Centre that you are providing feedback about?


2. What is your postcode?


3. How many children do you have in the following age groups?

0-2 years
3-4 years
5- 8 years
9 or over

4. What is your gender


5. What is the makeup of your family?


6. Does anyone in your family have a disability? Please tick all that apply.


7. Do you currently use a free/funded childcare place? e.g Nursery, Pre-school, Childminder


8. If no is this because you


About your work

9. Please select the most appropriate statements about you (and your Partner’s) employment from the options below.

YouYour partner
Full time parent/carer
Working full time
Working part time
In full time education
In part time education
Not currently seeking employment/education
In receipt of benefits
Seeking employment
Maternity/Paternity leave