Customer Service Survey


1. From which location did you apply for UK visa ? (Country / City)


2. Did you know where to find all the information you required at the time of applying ?


3. Were you happy with the guidance provided on the website on the types of applications and documents to submit?


4. Were you able to make the payment online without any difficulties ?


5. Have you opted any of our 'Additional Value Services - AVS' mentioned in the drop box ?


6. Did you feel under any pressure to purchase a product or service that you were not interested in?


7. Were you able to get an appointment at the VAC as per your schedule at  a convenient location within 5 working days?


8. Were you aware of the call centre details if you had a query with regards to your application ?


9. Did you receive the outcome of your application within the published time ? (Priority Application - 5 working days, Standard Application - 15 working days)


10. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the service you have received ?