Customer Service Module Evaluation


1. Evaluation of online module for Customer Service Professionals
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We would be extremely grateful if you would take this evaluation survey after finishing our online training module

1. How would you rate this online module overall


2. How would you rate your experience in the following areas?

Please rates from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree)

1 (strongly disagree)234 (strongly agree)
The training content was what I expected from the course aims
The training content was useful to my professional practice in customer service
I will implement the Changing Faces recommendations on how to approach customers who have a disfigurement
I will feel more confident in recognising how important good customer service is to all; irrespective of appearance
I will feel more confident in serving customers who have a disfigurement

3. What were the key strengths of the training?


4. What aspects of the training can be improved?


5. Are there additional topics you feel could improve this training or you would like to learn more about?


6. Do you have any other comments?