Norwich City Dementia Survey, 2017

The Norwich City Dementia Action Alliance would like to hear your views on living with dementia and your local area. This survey is for anyone living with dementia, their carers or family who live in the city, its suburbs or who regularly visit. The closing date for the survey is 22nd October 2017.

1. So we know what part of the city you are from, please select your post code from the list.


2. When out in your local area, what sort of things do you do? Choose all that apply.


3. Are there things that you used to do, but have stopped doing?


4. What might help you start doing them again?


5. How important are the things below, so you feel able to go out in your local area?

Not importantNeutralVery important
People who understand me
Friends, family or carers
Easy to read signs
Public toilets
Public transport
Accessible buildings
Safe pavements, pathways and roads

6. Do you feel you live well with dementia? (as a carer, family member or person with dementia)


7. What makes you feel that way?


8. In your local area, how would you rate public awareness of dementia?


9. What examples can you share of living with dementia in your local area?