Patient Satisfaction Survey

1. Cripps Health Centre Patient Satisfaction Survey

We always aim to provide services that result in a good patient experience. We would be grateful if you could kindly fill in this survey regarding your visit to the practice today and treatment you received. The information received will be used to inform future service developments and to maintain a high level of patient satisfaction in the future.

1. Please enter your unique reference number provided by the practice.


2. Where did you receive your treatment? *


3. If not registered at The University of Nottingham Health Service which practice are you currently registered at?


4. Which service did you receive? *


5. How would you rate the service you received? *

Very satisfactorySatisfactoryNeither satisfactory or dissatisfactoryDissatisfactoryVery dissatisfactory
Ability to make an appointment
Information received before appointment (e.g. criteria to receive treatment, what the treatment involves))
Information received after appointment (e.g. how results will be fed back, aftercare)
Treatment received
Treatment Room
Parking facilities
Accessibility (taking into consideration any potential barriers such as language and for people with hearing, visual and physical impairments)
Dignity and privacy

6. Which of words or phrases below describe how you felt about your visit: (tick all that apply)
The attitude of staff:


7. Which of words or phrases below describe how you felt about your visit: (tick all that apply)
The environment:


8. Which of words or phrases below describe how you felt about your visit: (tick all that apply)
The appointment itself:


9. Which of words or phrases below describe how you felt about your visit: (tick all that apply)
Your feelings:


10. Do you have any other comments about the service you received?


11. How do you think this service could be improved?