
Consultation on proposed changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme


Proposal 1

1. Do you agree with proposal 1 that a person in receipt of Universal Credit may be recognised by a council as automatically having made an application for a Council Tax reduction under the Welsh Government’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme? 


2. Do you foresee any challenges around the implementation of proposal 1 or any challenges when advising applicants about their entitlements? 


Proposal 2

3. Do you agree that we should introduce changes to non-dependant deductions? 


4. If you answered yes to question 3, should the scheme move to 2 bands of non-dependant deductions (option 2A) or exclude non-dependant deductions altogether (option 2B)? 


5. Do you have any other ideas for suggestions for how the Council Tax Reduction Scheme could be either simplified or improved?


Welsh language impacts

6. What, in your opinion, would be the likely effects of the proposals on Council Tax reduction on the Welsh language?  We are particularly interested in any likely effects on opportunities to use the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English.

  • Do you think that there are opportunities to promote any positive effects?
  • Do you think that there are opportunities to mitigate any adverse effects? 


7. In your opinion, could the proposals on Council Tax reduction be formulated or changed so as to:

  • have positive effects or more positive effects on using the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English or 
  • mitigate any negative effects on using the Welsh language and on not treating the Welsh language less favourably than English?


Other issues not covered

8. We have asked a number of specific questions. If you have any related issues which we have not specifically addressed, please use this space to report them.