Use this form to tell us how you’ve used your survey licence, and/or to request your survey licence be renewed.

If you are applying to renew your licence:
  • You can send your application six weeks before your current licence expires.
  • Please give us details of any licence amendments e.g., adding a new proposed Licensed Accredited Agent, or making changes to existing Licensed Accredited Agents, or your primary contact details have changed. 
  • You do not need to resend any information from your original licence application if it is not affected by your proposed changes.
Please check our website (opens in new tab) for the latest information on service level performance and current timescales for processing the licence. We cannot guarantee an earlier response.

Renewed licences are normally issued for a two-year period, providing previous licence reports have been submitted on time.

It is a condition of any licence issued that a full report of the work carried out under licence is submitted within four weeks of the expiry of the licence. Failure to do so may result in future applications being refused.


• You must pay a fee for a licence unless you are exempt
• Charges are only applicable when there is a clear commercial benefit to the applicant, such as where a survey licence is sought to enable someone to operate commercially, or where a research project is proposed for commercial reasons
Find information on our charges and how to pay.