
A Fairer Council Tax


Q1. The council tax bands are currently based on property values from 1 April 2003, almost twenty years ago. Do you agree there should be a council tax revaluation in 2025, with property values based on 1 April 2023, to maintain the credibility of the system and distribute the tax burden more fairly? The purpose would not be to raise additional revenue through this exercise.


Q2. Do you agree the Welsh Government should consider adding more council tax bands (for example at the top and bottom ends of the scale) and refit the bands to help make the system more progressive?


Q3. The Welsh Government is committed to considering transitional arrangements if needed to smooth the effects of reforms. What factors should we take into account when designing these arrangements?


Q4. Do you agree the Welsh Government’s Revenue Support Grant to councils should be adjusted to take account of changes to revenues raised in each local area as a result of council tax reforms?


Q5. Do you agree there should be frequent council tax revaluations at least every five years in the future, to ensure the tax burden is shared fairly amongst taxpayers on a regular basis?


Q6. When properties are significantly improved, properties are only reviewed and potentially rebanded in certain circumstances, for example when the property is sold to a new owner. The Welsh Government is seeking views on whether this policy should change in the future.


Q7. Do you have any views on rights of appeal for taxpayers or how council tax debt is managed? Please include any suggested improvements for either of these elements.


Q8. What are your views on how the Welsh Government, the Valuation Office Agency, councils, or other organisations can modernise the service provided to taxpayers and improve transparency of the council tax system?


Q9. What is your view on the existing discounts, disregarded persons, exemptions or premiums? For example, do you think the current rules are appropriate and fit-for-purpose? Are there particular aspects of the rules which you think need to change or new rules created?


Q10. What is your view on whether the Welsh Government should have more flexibility in future to set the rules for the statutory single adult and empty property discounts?


Q11. What is your view on how reductions in council tax for properties adapted for use by people living with a disability could be amended, simplified or improved?


Q12. Should the Welsh Government be able to amend titles and descriptions of any discount, disregarded person or exemption? Do you think any of the current titles should be changed? What would you consider to be a more appropriate term to replace ‘severely mentally impaired’?


Q13. The Welsh Government expects there to be a continued need to support low-income households in paying their council tax bills. Do you have any views about the design of the current scheme, including whether it should continue to be means-tested? Do you have any general views about the scheme?


Q14. Should Welsh Ministers have a duty to set a national scheme to be administered locally by councils, which allows the Welsh Government to make in-year changes if required?


Q15. Should the existing local arrangements form part of the new national scheme for consistency, whilst acknowledging that councils still retain existing discretionary powers under legislation?


Q16. We would like to know your views on the effects that the proposed policies would have on the Welsh language, specifically on opportunities for people to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than English. What effects do you think there would be? How could positive effects be increased, or negative effects be mitigated?


Q17. Please also explain how you believe the proposed policies could be formulated or changed so as to have positive effects or increased positive effects on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language, and no adverse effects on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.


Q18. We have asked a number of specific questions. If you have any related issues which we have not specifically addressed, please use this space to report them.