Networks for Change Fund Application


1. Name of Network *


2. Name and contact details of lead contact at nominated member applicant *


3. Names of proposed/existing network members *


4. Is this application: *


5. Proof of support:

If the application is to establish a new network - please upload letters of commitment from the senior leadership of the parent organisation of each member of the network (If more than 10 members please email

If the application is from an established network – please provide a signed statement on behalf of the network demonstrating commitment to the project.

Choose File

6. Please describe the project that is the subject of this application? (maximum word limit of 750 words)

Please note that the requirements for your response to this question differ if you are starting a new network, strengthening and existing network or undertaking a development project. Please refer to the guidance and read this carefully. *


7. Budget:
Please tell us how much are you applying for and the proportion of match funding you will be contributing.
Please also provide a brief breakdown of how the funding will be spent? *


8. What difference will this funding make to the network, or to individual network members? (maximum word limit of 300 words) *


9. How do you plan to share the project and learning outcomes with the rest of the sector? (maximum word limit 300 words) *