Cambridgeshire Schools Funding Challenges

The funding challenges for schools in Cambridgeshire are well known. The county has been well supported by its MPs who fought hard to get the national funding formula updated. This brought significant additional funding to Cambridgeshire to meet some of the historical challenges. However there remains a significant funding shortfall which is impacting children and affecting the long term viability of schools in Cambridgeshire. In addition, there are significant pressures on high needs funding which will have a have an impact on individual children. Heidi Allen, Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire, has acknowledged the challenges remain and agreed to continue to support the funding issues we face and will work with the other MPs in Cambridgeshire to help develop a case for further funding. I have agreed that we will collect some basic information on how schools are responding to the efficiency assumptions in the DfE budget proposals and how the funding cuts are impacting at the front line. We also want to understand the impact of the pay award and the funding received from government. Can I please ask that you complete you return by the 19th December. Jon

1. Name of person completing survey *


2. Please enter your email address *


3. Please select the school you represent?
(If your school is missing from this list, please contact *


4. Can you please give your "best" example of how you have delivered an efficiency in your school that has led to a financial saving?


5. Can you give an example where as a result of the financial position of your school, you have had to make a cut or a saving which has significantly impacted upon children or staff?


6. The pressure on SEND funding remains challenging. There is an expectation on schools to fund the first £6,000 of an Education Health and Care Plan from within your notional SEND budget. What impact does funding the first £6k of each EHCP have on your overall budget and the decisions you make about support for all children (including SEND) in your school?


7. Are you happy for your name / school to attributed to your comment? (otherwise the comment will be presented anonymously)