The Assessors Guild - Consent to appear on the Professional Register of Assessors (ROA)

1. The Register of Assessors (RoA) - JOIN NOW!

The Register of Assessors (ROA) is a FREE external, searchable database of vocational, technical and end point assessors and will be a main feature on our website. It aims to bring the assessor community together to provide a comprehensive, accessible database of quality assessors that have the expertise to assess on programme and at end point thus reducing concerns over the capacity within the sector. It will be fully searchable in terms of location, subject expertise and apprenticeship standards. Entry is free to all and we encourage you to join, however members of the Guild will be denoted by a Badge of Recognition to show that they have gone through our quality assured application process. If you wish to feature on the Register please complete this survey to consent to being included on the RoA. Your contact details will not be shared with others, all communication from enquiries, and organisations wishing to contract or contact you will be sent via the contact button to The Assessors Guild.

1. Full name: *


2. Are you a member of The Assessors Guild? *


3. If you ticked yes. Please enter your membership number

This number appears on your welcome pack and begins with the prefix 'AG'


4. Email address: *


5. Telephone number *


Home address *


6. Please detail any English and Maths qualifications that you hold.


7. Please detail your occupational qualifications/s


8. Please detail any Assessor, IV (IQA) or EV (EQA) awards that you hold


9. Please detail any teaching or training qualifications that you hold


Which apprenticeship standards do you believe that you could deliver?

Please refer to the IfL list which can be found on their website

Please include level and full title.


10. Please consent to the use of the following Personal information in The Assessors Guild Register of Assessors (ROA):

Full Name
Town that you live
Region(s) available to work
Qualifications Achieved
Standards approved to deliver (if applicable) *


11. I would like to be kept up-to-date with news and developments from the Assessors Guild.