Adult learning

Norfolk County Council is currently developing information and materials about Norfolk Community Learning Services, their adult education service.

We are inviting you to take part in this survey because as someone who is currently on, or recently been on one of our courses or apprenticeships, we are interested in your views.

You can choose not to take the survey, to stop responding at any time, or to ignore any questions that you do not want to answer.  This online survey will take approximately 5 minutes. We will start recording your answers to questions when you move on to the next page. 

Your responses will be confidential, and we will not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address. We store you data in a password protected electronic format – please read our privacy notice for further information as to how your data is used and your rights.

The closing date for our survey is 31 March, so please send us your views before then.
Please click ‘next’ to begin the survey.