

If you joined us in Trafalgar Square for West End LIVE on 17-18 June, we hope you had a great time.

We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey which will take around five minutes. The survey will close on Thursday 27 July 2023.

You do not need to answer all the questions and can skip any you do not wish to answer.

The information you provide will be used to help secure sponsorship to ensure next year’s event can take place.

About West End LIVE
West End LIVE is organised by Westminster City Council and Society of London Theatre. The aim of the event is to increase West End theatre ticket sales by showcasing live performances free of charge and to bring people into the West End.  

The event takes place in Trafalgar Square, the largest outdoor venue available to Westminster City Council free of charge within the City of Westminster. Its location allows top West End shows to perform around their matinees and evening performances.

It cannot be moved to a Royal Park which are not owned by the council due to many reasons including other events taking place throughout the summer, hire fees and the prohibitive cost and resources of rigging, planning and stewarding a larger venue.

West End LIVE is funded by the council and sponsors. Without their support, the event could not take place. Part of the sponsorship deal is space in the guest enclosure, where the theatres, performers and production companies who perform free of charge, are also hosted to watch their shows.

West End LIVE will remain non-ticketed to ensure the venue reaches capacity and to bring free performances to as many people as possible. We will not ticket the event as drop-out rates for free events are high and many people drop in to see specific shows rather than stay for the full event meaning the venue would not reach capacity. As a public body and not a commercial organisation, we will not be implementing a charge for West End LIVE.

Data protection
To read about Westminster City Council's approach to data protection, please click here.

Thank you for taking the survey.

1. How likely are you to recommend West End LIVE to a friend or family member - where 1 is extremely unlikely and 10 is extremely likely?


2. How would you rate your overall experience of West End LIVE?


3. What, if anything, did you like most about the event?


4. How did you find out about West End LIVE?