New school in the Rochdale area

As you may know, councils across Greater Manchester are planning to build a large amount of new housing across the region, as part of the Greater Manchester Spacial Framework. This includes significant plans for new homes in Rochdale and the surrounding area.

As a result of these potential changes, Rochdale borough would need more primary school places, in order to give local people access to a good education. Big Life Schools are hoping to work with the local authority to create a new school in the area, but before we go any further, we want to get your views on what matters to you about your local schools.

1. Big Life Schools currently runs two schools in Manchester. We’re passionate about families receiving outstanding services and getting involved in their children’s education, and we work with families to ensure children leave school with the skills they need to fulfil their dreams.

Big Life Schools is part of The Big Life group. The group has 20 years experience working with children and families delivering a range of services including managing children’s centres, day care, support groups, training, volunteering and family intervention services.

All Big Life services work together to provide a comprehensive range of opportunities to people to change their lives – look at everything from employment, family relationships, mental and physical health, housing and debt.

Based on this information, do you think a Big Life School feels like a good fit for your area? *