Bacup 2040 Vision & Masterplan Community Consultation


The Bacup 2040 Vision sets out the town centre's regeneration priorities over the next 20 years. The Vision is linked to two external funding bids that have the potential to bring about positive change and investment. We are seeking residents views on the Vision and Masterplan in order to receive the valued input from members of the community. We thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

In spring 2019, the Economic Development Team at Rossendale Borough Council started working on the Bacup 2040 Vision and Masterplan. This was to make sure there was a long term sustainable framework in place to continue on the incredible work achieved through the Bacup Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI). The Bacup THI was a 5 year regeneration project which saw the restoration of 15 buildings, changes to the pavements and road way and also lots of heritage themed community engagement activities and training opportunities. You can read the THI Evaluation here:

After 5 months of community consultation and an intensive workshop with all of the community groups and voluntary organisations that work in the town centre, the Bacup 2040 Vision and Masterplan emerged. This further consultation is a 6 week period to get YOUR thoughts and feedback on the Bacup 2040 Vision and Masterplan. It is important that all views are considered to ensure that Bacup continues to develop and grow.

Please confirm that you have read the Bacup 2040 Vision and Masterplan before proceeding. Both of these documents can be found here: *


1. Please indicate your age group *


2. What is your gender? *


3. What is your preferred sexuality? *


4. Please indicate your ethnic origin *

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed
  • Black or Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group

5. Please state your religion *


6. Please indicate your employment status *


7. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? *


8. Do you live.... *


9. Please indicate when you visit Bacup town centre whether this is usually. Please tick all that apply. *


10. How frequently do you come into Bacup town centre? *


11. What time of day do you usually visit? Please tick all that apply. *


12. Bacup has been described as one of the best preserved mill towns in the country. Do you think this is an appropriate description of the town? *