EHCP Parent/Carer Questionnaire 2023/24


1. Pupils Details *


2. Do you feel that your child has progressed with their learning this year?

Please give details below, if you wish to: *


3. Do you feel your child has progressed with their Personal/Social development?

Please give details below, if you wish to: *


4. Have you been well informed about and included in discussions about your child's progress and targets?

Please give details below, if you wish to: *


5. Are you well informed about your child's transition into the next Key stage/future after Lonsdale?

Please give details below, if you wish to: *


6. Is there any information or support you require or services you would like to access through Lonsdale ( e.g. ex-curricular clubs, College information, Connexions, Counselling, OT/PT) ?

Please give details below, if you wish too: *