Financial Inclusion Partnership - Customer Survey


1. Background

Our Financial Inclusion services were set up to make sure that the people of Glasgow get access to the appropriate financial products and services, which include such things as: claiming social security benefits, advice on money, debt, housing and employment.

We want your feedback on your experience of using the many providers available in the city, for example, Citizens Advice Bureau, Law Centres, Money Matters or GEMAP, and if you don't use them, then why not.

The Financial Inclusion Strategy is due to be reviewed later this year and we will use your feedback to help design a service in partnership with the providers that meets the needs of our citizens. We are also interested in understanding and exploring the many ways these services can now be provided to you at times and in places that are more accessible to your circumstances and ways that these services could be delivered to you quicker than they currently are. Use of the telephone and online consultations such as video calling/web chat for discussing financial concerns with customers has been growing for several years. Used appropriately it appears safe and popular with customers. It also offers the potential to release adviser’s time and often reduces the waiting times for face to face appointments as a result as Many issues do not require a face-to-face conversation.

We would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire as honestly and accurately as possible.