Survey of Academic Staff in STEM


1. Introduction
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We ask you to complete the survey by 31 May and regret that, due to a technical error, any survey responses collected before 1 April cannot be used in the analysis. If you took the time to complete or attempt the survey before 1 April, we apologise for this and ask you to kindly complete the survey again.

This survey is being run by the Institute of Physics, The Physiological Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Biology. Its purpose is to inform the HE STEM sector about developments in teaching and the recognition of teaching staff. The survey is open to anyone who considers themselves to be actively involved in teaching in Higher Education at any UK university, college or research institute.

The data we are collecting in this survey are entirely anonymous. Your answers are voluntary, completely confidential and will be used only to allow institutions to take a strategic overview of teaching in terms of activity, allocation and recognition, in their own institution, and to benchmark against others. This will be of particular interest in light of recent developments in teaching, for example the TEF, and how this has changed since previous reports have been published in 2014 and 2015 . Your response to this questionnaire will be crucial in enabling us to get a broad picture of the teaching landscape across STEM.

Your anonymous responses to this questionnaire will be submitted to and analysed by the participating societies. The aggregated results of our analysis will be disseminated to HE institutions, governing bodies and policy makers, as well as survey respondents. No data will be published at institutional level; institutional data will be used solely to check for good geographical and mission group coverage across the UK.

Please contact if you have any concerns or questions about how the data will be used, or if you would like to receive the survey in a different format.