JKP Solutions Business Review

Welcome to the JKP Solutions Business Review Questionnaire.  All information gathered in this questionnaire will be treated in the strictest confidence by members of JKP Solutions LTD

In order for a business to grow effectively it is important to have efficient processes and procedures in place. As a business owner it is also important that you make time to focus on the aspects of business ownership and work on the structure and growth of your business rather than just working in the day to day activities of your business.

The JKP Solutions Business Review Questionnaire will take a look at the key building blocks of your business one by one and ask a series of questions that will give us an insight in to where the strengths and opportunities lie within your business.

This version of our survey also has a special section at the end to focus on the extra challenges associated with the Covid-19 situation and areas you can be working on to help survive and thrive after it. 


1. Details of your business
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Please enter the details of your business and your contact information.

Please provide a short summary of your business activity and the marketplace you operate in. *


Company Name: *


Contact Name:                      *


Position in company:




Phone No:           


Email:        *