Admission avoidance proposals

We are in the process of looking at how we can build on the care provision in communities to enable more people to remain at home, and reduce the number of avoidable admissions. Part of this includes focusing on the harm from pressure ulcers, falls, urinary catheter infections, and Venous thromboembolism (VTE).

I’d really welcome understanding where we are in Norfolk with understanding, monitoring and acting on the risk factors associated with these conditions and your views on how we might enable more people to avoid unnecessary admission. We are beginning by asking eight simple questions.

1. Are your workers trained in observations relating to the following risk indicators? Please select one answer on each row:

Skin condition
Moisture on the skin
Fluid intake
Catheter care
Mouth care

2. Are your workers trained in the links between the above risk indicators and the following conditions? Please select one answer on each row:

Pressure ulcers
Urinary catheter infections
Venous thromboembolism (VTE)

3. If yes to any of question 1 or 2, how do you currently capture the details and risks from any observations in someone’s wellbeing? Please select all that apply:


4. In order for home support providers to understand, monitor and act on their observations in a consistent way we recognise a number of elements would need to be in place. Please order the below elements in order of importance with 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important. Please note: as you rank these options they will move into order.  Select your first priority from the list, mark it with a 1 and it will then move to the top of the list.  Carry on until the elements have moved into your preferred order.


5. What would be your preferred route to raise an alert? Please select one only:


6. Which of the following elements of the work would require additional staff time to complete? Please select all that apply:


7. Are you aware of Your Care Companion (


8. Please use this space to provide any other information / evidence on what you feel should be considered in the scope of this:

This work forms part of the Improved Better Care Fund. Many thanks for your time. Please respond by Friday 1 September 2017.