NENC Radiology Research


In June 2024 a research section for the North East and North Cumbria Imaging Academy was established. This team is lead by Clare Moody in collaboration with Georgia Williams, Radiology Research Project Manager – NIHR. 

We would like to promote Radiology led research by educating, supporting and encouraging research collaborations between Radiology colleagues.  This survey will help us to evaluate the existing frameworks throughout the region to determine the best ways of providing the support that you may need.

The survey will be live commencing Sunday 1 September 2024 and will close on Monday 30 September.

Please contact Clare Moody ( & Georgia Williams ( for any questions

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1. What is your name? *


2. What is your email address? *


3. Please select your NHS Trust(s) from the list below: *


4. What is your role within Radiology?


5. What research based CPD events/topics would you like to see in the NENC region?


6. In what format would you like to receive CPD training? (Please select all that apply)


7. Are you aware of any research happening within your department/specialty?