Oldham Parent Carer Forum Membership Form

1. Becoming a Member of Oldham Parent Carer Forum


1. Thank you for choosing to join Oldham Parent Carer Forum for parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and / or Disabilities (Age 0-25).

By completing this survey, you are consenting to be added to the Oldham Parent Carer Forum database held by POINT.

Your data will be stored securely and confidentially in line with POINT's Data Protection and Retention policies. Click here to access a copy of our policy before completing the membership form

Oldham Parent Carer Forum are part of POINT, a registered charity (No: 1161596) in England and Wales. POINT are registered with the Information Commissioners Officer for the purposes of data protection and processing. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) UK. you will be required to consent to the ways in which your data may be used by POINT at the end of this membership form.  Click here for information on GDPR.  You must provide an answer to each statement before you are able to submit your information for inclusion on our database.


Tick Here
I confirm I have read the statement and am happy to proceed with my membership application

2. Please confirm whether you are a parent/carer or a pratitioner.