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SEND home to school/college transport consultation

St Helens Borough Council is reviewing and consulting on its home to school/college transport policy for children and young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). More information can be found here

Engagement with young people with special educational needs in St Helens confirmed they value independence highly, the ability to travel independently is important to them to attend school, participate in community life and socialise with friends.

We aim to increase the independence of children and young people with SEND and hope that changes we make, will enable some of them to achieve greater levels of independence, and the skills and abilities which will help their transition to adulthood.

The council has a statutory duty to provide assistance with home to school transport for all eligible children and young people with SEND.  As a result of funding reductions from central government coupled with increased costs and expenditure it is necessary for the council to review all its spending including the SEND home to school transport.

We want to ensure our children and young people can access education. The council is expanding its provision within our Special Schools and enlarging facilities in mainstream schools to expand the availability of SEND provision within the borough. This will assist in reducing the number of children and young people who must travel long distances to school.
We hope many children and young people, parents and carers, professionals in schools, colleges, the voluntary sector and social care, and residents in our communities will take part in this consultation and give feedback on our proposals, as well as new ideas and suggestions.
The outcomes of the consultation will inform a number recommendations which will be presented to the Council’s Cabinet for approval and to inform a revised SEND Home to School Transport Policy.

The survey will close on Friday 15 December, 5pm. 

1. The council proposes to assess children and young people on their ability to travel independently, to understand whether this may be an option for them.

Do you agree with our proposal to assess children and young people with SEND on their ability to travel independently?


2. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


3. The council proposes to offer Independent Travel Training (ITT) to children and young people who are eligible for travel assistance and with appropriate training would be able to travel independently.

Do you agree with our proposal that children and young people with SEND on will be able to access Independent Travel Training?


4. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


5. The council proposes to increase the use of coordinated collection and drop off points in safe accessible places for children and young people on some routes to schools/ colleges.

Do you agree with our proposal to use collection and drop off points for children and young people with SEND instead of collecting them door to door?


6. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


7. The council proposes that young people over the age of sixteen who use school transport to get to school/college will now be charged the equivalent of a term time student bus pass.

Do you agree with our proposal that children and young people with SEND who are over 16 will now be charged the equivalent of a subsidised student bus pass?


8. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


9. The council also proposes that some young people will be able to access transport free of charge if they meet an eligibility criteria.

Do you agree with our proposal that children and young people with SEND who are over 16 will be able to access the provision free of charge if they meet the eligibility criteria?


10. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


11. Do you have any suggestions on what the eligibility criteria should be?


12. The council proposes that they will no longer provide home to college transport to young people aged 19-25 unless they meet a to be agreed eligibility criteria.

Do you agree with our proposal that the Council will no longer provide transport for children and young people with SEND who are 19-25 unless they meet an eligibility criteria?


13. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.


14. Do you have any suggestions on what the eligibility criteria should be?


15. The council proposes to look at the use of 'personal travel budgets' for some children and young people with SEND, which can be used to fund individualised travel arrangements to school/college.

Do you agree with our proposal that we will look at the use of ‘personal travel budgets’ to fund individualised travel arrangements to school?


16. Please provide any further thoughts, comments and suggestions on this proposal.

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