
Assessment arrangements: subordinate legislation resultant of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021


Question 1: In responding to the consultation, what is your primary role?


Question 2: Which setting or organisation are you responding from?


Question 3: Are you providing feedback on behalf of an organisation or group?


Assessment arrangements

We would first like to explore your views on the duties and expectations that the proposals place on settings and schools to make, implement and review assessment arrangements.

The proposals surrounding Section 56(1) can be found on pages 4 to 10 of the consultation document.

Question 4: Are the expectations placed on settings and schools towards assessment arrangements clear?

Very unclearSlightly unclearNeither clear nor unclearSlightly clearVery clear

Question 5: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the duties and expectations placed on settings and schools will effectively support learner progression in line with the Curriculum for Wales?

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree

Question 6: In responding to the duties and expectations surrounding assessment, are there any practical considerations or challenges that you think should be reflected in the proposals?

The proposals also contain provisions surrounding entry assessments. These seek to build an understanding of the learner and should be conducted when they are first registered or enter a setting or school.

The details of the proposals surrounding entry assessments can be found on page 10 of the consultation document.

Question 7: Is the duty placed on settings and schools to undertake an entry assessment appropriate and realistic?


Shared understanding of progression (SUP)

In order to develop a shared understanding of progression and assessment across Wales, the proposals include duties and expectations on settings and schools to engage in professional dialogue, training and support.

These provisions are outlined on pages 10 to 14 of the consultation document.

Question 8: Are the expectations placed on settings and schools towards developing a shared understanding of progression clear?

Very unclearSlightly unclearNeither clear nor unclearSlightly clearVery clear

Question 9: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the duties and expectations placed on settings and schools will effectively support the development and implementation of a shared approach to progression?

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree

Question 10: In responding to the duties and expectations surrounding the promotion of a shared understanding of progression, are there any practical considerations or challenges that you think should be reflected in the proposals?


Question 11: What additional information would be beneficial to support the overall process of developing a shared understanding of progression?

The proposals outline that settings and schools should come together on a termly basis to discuss and agree a shared understanding and approach to progression.

Question 12: Is the suggestion to meet on a termly basis appropriate and realistic?



The proposals outline a range of duties on feeder settings and primary schools in sharing information in order to support learner transitions into secondary settings. This includes developing transition plans for each learner.

The provisions are outlined on pages 14 to 16 of the consultation document.

Question 13: Are the proposals clear on which schools will be required to undertake transition plans?

Very unclearSlightly unclearNeither clear nor unclearSlightly clearVery clear

Question 14: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the new proposals for information proposed within transition plans and the processes feeding into their development will effectively support continuity of learning and progression?

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree

Question 15: In responding to the duties and expectations surrounding transitions, are there any practical considerations or challenges that you think should be reflected in the proposals?


Reporting to parents and carers

The proposals also contain provisions on reporting learner progression to parents and carers.

These provisions are outlined on pages 17 to 20 of the consultation document.

Question 16: Are the expectations placed on settings and schools around reporting to parents and carers clear?

Very unclearSlightly unclearNeither clear nor unclearSlightly clearVery clear

Question 17: In responding to the duties and expectations surrounding reporting to parents and carers, are there any practical considerations or challenges that you think should be reflected in the proposals?

The proposals outline that settings and schools should provide regular communications with parents and carers.

Question 18: Is the suggestion to provide termly communications with parents and carers appropriate and realistic?

The information provided to parents and carers should include a brief summary of the well-being and progress of a learner, as well as advice on how parents and carers can support progression.

For a full list of the information that should be included in communications, please see page 18 of the consultation document.

Question 19: Would sharing the types of information outlined in the proposals with parents and carers support learning and progression?