HIOW STP Adult Acute In-Patient Pathway. Providers

1. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Plan. Adult Acute In Patient Mental Health

As part of the national NHS Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, NHS organisations across the whole of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight are working together to improve the experience of people who have mental health problems who have used adult acute in-patient services. We are seeking feedback from other organisations who support and / or care for people using these these services. We would be extremely grateful if you could take a little time to complete an anonymous on-line survey which will help us to shape improvements over the coming months and years. We very much appreciate you taking the time to help us to improve how we work. Please note this survey does not include learning disability, forensic, secure, child and adolescent services, perinatal or mother and baby services as currently they do not fall in scope for this section of the STP mental health work. Please answer the questions with the majority of people win mind. Thank you.

1. What type of organisation do you work for:


2. Which Mental Health provider are you commenting on? (you may complete surveys for as many as you would like)?


3. If you would like to comment on a specific ward or unit, please state:


4. Generally, do you think people are offered intervention outside hospital first in order to prevent admission?


5. Do you think intervention to prevent admission is offered enough?


6. In general, do you think people involved enough in planning their own treatment, care and goals


7. How much do you think people who are admitted are involved in their own treatment, care and goal planning on a scale of 1 to 4 , (1 being not involved, 4 being completely involved)


8. In your opinion, are family and carers involved enough in the planning of treatment, care and goals for people admitted to hospital?


9. How important do you think overnight (or longer) leave from hospital is to help a person's recovery, on a scale of 1 to 4 (1 - not very important, 4 - very important)


10. On a scale of 1 - 4, do you think people who are in-patients, take the opportunity to have short periods of leave, such as overnight, (or longer (section 17) to aid their recovery? (1 - never, 2- rately, 3 - sometimes, 4 - always)


11. Which team member(s) do you think makes the decisions for the person to move on to the next stage of care, e.g. discharge home, rehabilitation?


12. Do you think people are given enough time / notice to adjust to their discharge or movement to the next stage?


13. Do you think people are supported enough on discharge back into the community?


14. What do you think are the main reasons people's discharges from hospital are delayed?


15. Do you think people admitted to this provider / ward are treated with dignity and respect?


16. If a family member or friend required admission, would you recommend this organisatio / ward?


17. Is there anything that this organisation / ward does particularly well?


18. How could the organisation / ward improve the experience of people being admitted?


19. Please rank the list below (1 most , 5 least) in order of importance for people using mental health services provided by this organisation: