Refreshing Salford's Locality Plan


1. Refreshing Salford’s Locality Plan
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We need your views!
Closing date: Monday 02 September 2019
This survey will take about 10  minutes to complete.

Salford’s locality plan is the ‘blueprint’ for our health and social care. Launched in April 2016, it explains how providers of public services - like the NHS, Salford City Council, Fire Service and Police - will work closely together with the private and voluntary sector so services work better and cost less.

It looks at what you can do to stop getting ill and live healthier, independent lives so you do not need to go to the doctors or hospital as much. It includes ways to reduce your chances of developing the most common ‘killers’ in Salford, like heart disease and cancer, by taking more responsibility for your own health.

But the plan doesn’t just look at health and social care. It also looks at ways people’s lives can change for the better if we have better housing, more jobs, more money and a nicer environment to live in. Put simply, it is how Salford people should be able to start, live and age well.

Three years on, we’re reviewing the Locality Plan and would like your help to refresh the actions and ensure that priorities are still in line with the needs of Salford’s people. 

For more information on the locality plan, go to

Please answer the questions below and submit your response by Monday 02 September 2019.