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Arts Award Internationally: Expressions of interest

Arts Award is not currently available outside of the UK. Trinity are always interested to hear from individuals or organisations interested in delivering Arts Award internationally. Please complete this survey if you would like to be added our database and we will use these details to contact with you should our position change. We will not use or share your data for any other purpose without your permission. If you have any questions or wish to unsubscribe from this list at any time, you can do so by contacting us via the Arts Award helpdesk at Thank you

1. Full name *


2. Email address *


3. Contact telephone number (optional)


4. Please provide details of your role. e.g. Head of department / Freelance artist *


5. Please provide the name of your organisation *


6. Please provide a web address for your organisation (if applicable)


7. Please tell us how you would describe your organisation *


8. Please tell us which country you are interested in delivering Arts Award *

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