Devon E-Start User Account Request Form
All new E-Start users must attend training before access is provided to E-Start. Please use this form to request a training place and we will confirm a training date for you. The form should be completed by the appropriate Children’s Centre Lead.

1. First name: *


2. Middle name:


3. Surname: *


4. Job Title: *


5. Email: *


6. Phone Number: *


7. Usual CC Base: *


8. User Start Date: *


9. Request Type: *


10. Training Required:

​Read Only
Read only rights: this allows users to view (but not add or modify) family records, events etc. - this is most suitable for care workers. All new users MUST attend this training as a minimum.

Full admin rights: this allows users to enter, view and modify family records, events etc. - this is most suitable for Centre leads/coordinators and admin staff.

Aimed at Centre leads/Data staff/admin who need to run reports.


11. Please state your preferred days/sessions for training (selecting several options will enable training to be arranged faster):


12. Children Centre Manager Authorisation:
Children’s Centre Managers are responsible for the overview of all staff using E-Start within their Children’s Centre service and to ensure that information is being collected and processed in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulations and associated data protection laws currently applicable in the UK. It is important therefore that this form is sent from the appropriate Children’s Centre Manager/Centre Lead requesting permission for a new user on behalf of the centre.  