IF Oxford 2024 Volunteer Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for IF Oxford – the Oxford Science and Ideas Festival

This form will help the Festival plan a suitable volunteer role for you, which may include: assisting with event set-up, delivery, and takedown; stewarding the public at events or meeting speakers or helping with evaluation. Our Volunteer Programme is for adults aged 18 and over. 
Our Volunteer Policy can be found at: https://if-oxford.com/about/policies/volunteer-policy/ 

Your personal information provided on this form will be kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and not shared outside the Festival management. Anonymised data may be used for volunteer cohort statistical purposes. Our full Data Management Policy can be viewed at: https://if-oxford.com/about/policies/privacy-policy/

1. Personal Information *


2. Are you a settled worker?
(i.e. do you have the permanent right to work / volunteer in the UK – for example as a British or EEA citizen)? *