Ophthalmology service

The current ophthalmology provision within west Hampshire for acute and chronic eye conditions often means a visit to hospital for diagnostics and/or treatment.

West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group (WHCCG) is currently in the process of designing community ophthalmology services to offer diagnosis and treatment in the community closer to the patients home so it can be more convenient. By managing low risk acute or long term conditions in the community will also allow the Hospital Eye Service to focus on those high risk urgent patients making the service safer for those attending.
WHCCG would like to hear patient experiences which may help us improve the way we design our services. In responding to this survey you could influence and shape the way the service is delivered to ensure a better service and improved quality for the patients. 

1. Was your appointment letter easy to understand, read and did it contain the information you needed?


2. How did you travel to your appointment to hospital?


3. How would you describe your appointment experience?


4. Would you have found additional information useful to know before you attended your appointment?


5. Do you feel any additional needs you may have required were catered for? (hearing loop, disabled access, language etc)


6. Did you fully understand what you were told in your consultation?


7. Did you fully understand the next steps of your health care after your consultation?


8. Would you be willing to support us further by taking part in a focus group to share your experiences and help us plan future services? If so please enter your email address below. This will only be used for the purposes of this service review.


9. Do you have any further comments about the ophthalmology service?


10. Are you:


11. Your age group


12. Your ethnic background


13. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?