Volunteers’ Week 2023: Can Do Bristol Wall of Thanks

Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2023) is a time to say thanks for the contribution millions of people make across the UK in helping out others.
As part of our Bristol celebrations you can show your appreciation by sending us a message to go up on the Can Do Bristol Wall of Thanks

To thank a neighbour, friend, volunteer, or local community group, please fill out this short form
  • The form should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Your message will be available to view on the Can Do Bristol Wall of Thanks until at least May 2024
Please share the Wall of Thanks link with the person or group you're thanking so they can enjoy your message!

If you are thanking an individual person (rather than an organisation), then please talk to them before you submit this form.

We would like to make sure that:  
  • they are aware you are providing information about them to Bristol City Council
  • they are expecting to see your message about them on the Wall of Thanks on the Can Do Bristol website 
  • they are aware of the context of your message, they feel comfortable with you providing their first name and information about them and their volunteering work 

1. Your name:
We will only include your first name in the message *


2. Your contact details
Please provide one or both *


3. Name of the organisation or individual that you are putting forward to be thanked.
Please only include the first name of any individual person being thanked. *


4. Please let us know why you would like to thank them.
You can use up to 150 words.

Please don't include personal or sensitive information about the person/people you are thanking. Personal information includes surnames or contact details and other information that could identify someone. If you accidentally include any personal information we will either ask you to adjust your message or we will redact personal information to anonymise your message. *


5. I agree to Bristol City Council including my first name on the virtual Wall of Thanks as part of my thank you message *


6. How would you prefer to be contacted about the Wall of Thanks and your message?

Information you provide will be treated with confidentially and in accordance with the DPA Laws (UK GDPR & DPA 2018)

For more information on how your data is used please refer to our Privacy Notice.

Please note that by progressing with this survey you agree to Bristol City Council processing your data given on this form, which may be held and processed on computer or manual records and may be disclosed to authorised employees of Bristol City Council.