My views and understanding about periods


1. Background and introduction


1. Thank you for taking part in this survey. We would like to find out more about your views and thoughts about periods and period health (if this is not something you have experienced personally, we still want to know your views!). We also want to ask you about what tools you would like to help you understand more about periods and period health. 

What you tell us will be used to help us create a new website and other sources of information to help you understand and find out more about periods and period health, to help you feel comfortable to talk about it and get any information and support you might need. 

This survey is being carried out by Social Change UK, an independent research and campaign company, for NHS Wales. 

We think the survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

Everything you tell us through this survey will be kept safely by us and kept confidential. This means we will not be identifying you through anything you share with us with how we use this survey. Please click here to view more information about our policy in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Please note that survey questions with an asterisk (*) are required to be completed.  

Do you want to take part in this survey?