Your Money Matters - Teacher Survey


1. Your Money Matters Textbook - Teacher Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. It will take no longer than 10 minutes and will help us understand your school's approach to financial education and your thoughts on using the Your Money Matters textbook which was delivered into schools in November 2018.

The answers you give will be treated confidentially.

We are looking to hear from teachers who are involved in the delivery of financial education in their school. We'd love to hear from you if are aware of the textbook and how it has been used in school, if this is not you then please do pass on to any colleagues who are aware and may be interested in sharing their thoughts.

1. Please state the full name of your school *


2. Please state the post code of your school *


3. Please provide your school's 6-digit URN (the Government reference number) if known


4. Which of the following best describes your position within school? *


5. Please choose a number on the following scale, where 0 is 'not at all important/confident' and 10 is 'extremely important/confident'. *

How important do you feel it is that young people are taught financial education within school?
How would you rate your confidence in designing appropriate financial education for your students?
How would you rate your confidence in delivering financial education?