Tell us about your experience of local ophthalmology services

1. Help us to improve quality and outcomes

Enfield CCG wants to improve the access and quality for patients by commissioning a new primary care ophthalmology (eye) service. This new service would mean that patients could self-refer or be referred to an accredited optometrist for minor eye conditions, cataracts and glaucoma. The new service would offer screening and direct referral for surgery or hospital care if needed as well as post-operative check-ups. We are interested in hearing your experience as a patient or carer of local minor eye conditions, cataracts or glaucoma services. If you have any questions about this survey, if you need this survey in an alternative or more accessible format, or if you would like to get involved in the Ophthalmology Patient Reference Group, please contact Your anonymous feedback will be used to help us understand patient needs and to develop better quality local services. We will not be able to identify you from this survey. If you need medical attention, please call NHS 111 or contact your GP. If you want to make a complaint about the care you received please visit our website

1. Please tell us which GP practice you are registered with. *

Please select your practice
List of GP practices in Enfield

2. Which eye condition(s) have you been treated for?

*Please note that this project is focused on the conditions listed below, but we welcome feedback on your experience of any NHS eye services. *


3. When you developed your eye condition, where did you go for initial help and advice? *


4. Where was your treatment carried out? Please tell us about the care you received.


5. What was good about the care you received? *


6. How could your experience have been improved? *


7. Please use this space to make any other comments.


8. Please enter the first part of your postcode e.g. EN1, N13


9. Please tell us your age


10. Please tell us your gender


11. Are you married or in a same sex civil partnership?


12. Please select the option which best describes your sexuality


13. Please indicate your religion or belief


14. I would describe my ethnic origin as *


15. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


16. If you consider yourself to be disabled, please state the type of impairment that applies to you. People may experience more than one type of impairment, so please feel free to tick more than one box. If none of the categories apply, please mark "other" and specify the type of impairment.


17. Do you provide care on a substantial and regular basis for a family member or friend who needs care/help/support because of sickness, frailty or disability?