Patient Experience Survey 2018 for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care

This survey aims to gauge people's experience of the NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) in Hampshire.

We will asking about your views on the following areas:
  • The CHC and FNC service 
  • Staff knowledge/attitude and competency
  • Overall experience
  • Satisfaction
Once collated, the results will be used to shape our objectives for the future.

1. Please tell us how you are involved in the NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) process:


2. At which stage are you in the CHC process:


3. How often have you contacted the CHC team either by phone or email or face to face visit?


4. Is this your first application to the CHC team?


5. The CHC Service
Please rate the following questions between 1 and 5.

1 (not at all)23 (satisfactory)45 (excellent)
How satisfied have you been with the service you have received?
How easy was it to contact the CHC team?
How knowledgeable was the CHC team member dealing with your request?
How courteous was the CHC team member dealing with your request?
How satisfied are you with the way the CHC process was explained by a CHC team member?
How satisfied are you with the speed your application was processed?

6. Has the CHC Brokerage team been involved in sourcing a package of care?