Apply for Funding


Your Company


1. Your name
[Votre nom] *


2. Your job title
[Votre fonction]


3. Your e-mail address
[Votre courriel] *


4. What is the name of your company?
[Quel est le nom de votre société?] *


5. Where are your company’s headquarters located?
[Où se situe le siège social de votre société?]


6. How did you hear about us?
[Comment avez-vous entendu parler de nous?]


7. How many projects has your company developed through to Financial Close?
[Combien de projets votre société a t-elle développés jusqu'à la clôture financière?]


How we treat your personal data

InfraCo Africa respects your right to privacy. We collect, use and are responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) which applies across the European Union (including the United Kingdom).

InfraCo Africa takes the processing of personal data very seriously. In light of the GDPR, we have updated our Privacy Policy which describes how we collect, process and use personal data and the rights individuals have in relation to their data.

Developing bankable projects to the highest standards

Please be aware that we require all service providers to comply with PIDG's Operating Policies and Procedures this ensures that our projects are developed in accordance with PIDG's standards and will be both bankable and sustainable.

Any questions?

If you have any questions or need any help with your application then please send us an email and we will try and get back to you as soon as possible.