Health Care and Well Being

This survey is being conducted to gather public opinions of health care needs. In order to complete this survey, please ensure that you are aged 65 or over.

1. In regards to treating age related health problems, how would you rate the hospitals in your area?


2. Which of the following best describes your overall health?


3. Is there someone within your family or friends who can fulfill your needs when you wish to talk or go on outings?


4. How often do close friends and relatives visit you?


5. Which of the following best describes your ability to perform everyday tasks


6. How easily can you travel long distances?


7. Are you able to complete your housework?


8. Are you able to go shopping?


9. Are you able to prepare your own meals?


10. Are you able to do your laundry?


11. Can you handle your finances?


12. Do you take care over your own appearance?


13. Can you dress yourself?


14. How many different types of medication have you taken over the last 24 hours?


15. How many types of medication, if any, are prescribed by your GP?


16. If you take medication, how do you take it?


17. Do you or your partner experience any chronic pain?


18. If you answered yes, then what sort of treatment is being received for the pain?


19. What is your age category?


20. What is your gender?


21. How many residents live in your household?


22. What are your living arrangements?


23. Do your rent or own your home?


24. What is your employment status?


25. What is your marital status?