Health/Social Care/VCS/Education Support Services

1. Welcome

Northamptonshire County Council has commissioned a SEND needs analysis of the four areas across Northamptonshire. This will identify current effective, inclusive provision and practice across mainstream education settings (0 to 25 years) health and social care. To gather views of all stakeholders please complete this survey to contribute your views. Each survey is short and concise. Thank you for completing the survey, your views are important to us. For further information, the project contact is Gwyn Botterill,

1. I know who to work with/contact at school /college for children/young people who require SEN Support: *


2. My service has appropriate communication and contacts with the teaching staff of school/setting/college to ensure that the needs of the child/young person with SEND that I work with, in the following areas, ensures they make good progress: *

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and Physical

3. The culture and ethos of schools/settings/colleges that my service works with is strongly committed to inclusive practice and high expectations for children and young people with SEND *


4. My service links with the child/young person and/or their parent/carer about progress made towards educational and wider outcomes for the child or young person.


5. With the school/setting/ college, my service uses person centred approaches to listen to children/young people ensuring that the family are all involved in the decisions regarding that the child/young person receives: *


6. My service understands the SEN Support offer well, which is provided for children/young people that we support, at their school/setting/college: *


7. My service and the LA/CCG/Health providers regularly communicate to review overall progress of all children and young people at SEN support: *


8. My service provides information to other agencies at regular intervals for children/young people at SEN support: *


9. The school/setting/college’s curriculum offer links with my service to support children/young people with SEN well enabling them to transition well into the next stage of education, employment or training: *


10. My service works well with other services, including education, health and social care: *


11. My agency is: *